Sonntag, 13. September 2015

Shanghai 2015 - WEEK 5

Hey hey...
Crazy week. Cant decide weather its more adventerous or sad but in the end I found time to write you so im fine :D Its useful to start directly from the beginning. Its very close to the moment I wrote my last post. A few minutes after it I went to the park with a friend and we just had a nice pick nick  and chilled on the grass. We had a great night before and a very long as well so we were super tired and didn't want to do much but nevertheless  we decided  to go to qibao again. Don't know if you remember but i was there already and really liked it so i wanted to show her the place and get some food over there. But it was a mistake ! We went through a small street which was very crowded so.we were very careful with our belongings. The only moment when I didint hold my zipped pocket with my phone was when I bought  some vegetable dumplings And's not there anymore. This thief  had to be professional . He looked after me and saw what I am hiding from him...i was running around that place searching for my baby phone and asking everybody about it for 20 minutes. But my friend was calling me 10 times until the phone didn't connect anymore was turned off. That's china. It's really china... I know so many people whose phone or wallet was stolen here... Full of panic and with tears we called my friend from the agency to ask him what I should do. Happily he had time to come to our home adress and we went to eat some sushi and search for a solution..I really love this guy! He found an old samsung s 4 (the same as I had but in white) that had some system problems and was not used at all because of that. It just runs out of battery. He gave it to me and now I can use it until I leave.So, after a week I finally m Install the vpn for the social networks and can go to facebook instagram and blogspot to write you such as checking my emails in gmail. So, except the fact that I have to crazy collect money for a new phone now, this problem is solved for the moment. Moreover, as I had no phone to tell my chinese teacher what happend for a couple of days, she said she cant teach me anymore because she has no time to wait for so long and also we had really rare lessons as my castings always finish to late. But this problem was solved quickly: Ken, who gave me the phone told me that he also used to teach before in the school where he learned english. He offered me a perfect price because he is full of understanding about my situation right I had my next lesson.the next day and it was amazing. I learned so many new words and sentences in one hour that I have to practise a lot So I definetly have something to do in the casting bus now. The week ended very nice with good nights and a nice shooting. As always...looking forward to the next week. Stay tuned.. The next class now.. The words are so useful...for example now I can say that I want the food without meat as I dont eat meat. Before I had to do signs and hope that luckily they bring me the right thing. I can also introduce myself to the Chinese. I can say where I am from, how old I am and how long I stay here. And much much more...   I was at a lot of great events in.the evenings and had a great time this week. However, I also slept less and had a long shooting yesterday with a nice photographer who did some new different styles of pictures of me and I arrived home very tired. So, today I slept about 12 hours and had a complete day off. If you believe it or not...I didnt go out at all. Except now...I am thinking of first going out and get some nice spicy noodle soup for dinner, buy some breakfast for tomorrow and go to the best cheap Shiatsu massage place around the corner to let this crazy week.end up relaxed. My dear readers thank you.. I saw the statistics and you are really a lot. Hope you are all fine in your country! Lets see how the next days will be...
With love...
Nika on tour


Asian managa filter

Upstairs at M1nt...Shanghai skyline

Bar rouge 3 years celebration

Kitry Cat at the casting

Chinese lesson with this cutie